Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Losin' It

i'm losing it all... i'm losing the weight i want gone, i'm losing that half-assed attitude i seem to be harboring these days, and i'm definitely losing this person i seem to have become (the one i don't like).

i figured, what the heck, you make your life out to be either good or bad through your view of life. it's true, you wear beer-goggles all your life, it can be a rude shock when you wake up the next morning with a suspicious head of hair sleeping beside you... snoring. it's the same if you keep seeing life as a pain in the ass. if you give life a chance, it might scare you. changing your view about life is everything, it's the root of most problems you face everyday... i know it's true for me at least.

honestly? i don't really believe that life is all peachy. but rather than let it get to me, i should really try taking a deep breath, and just deal with it, then let it go. i know i should've learnt it a long time ago, but i really have to have it down pat if i'm to survive the next decade or so. so maybe i need to put up a huge banner over my bed, its sole purpose: "breathe, deal, and go". maybe it wouldn't be so bad... maybe.

it's all baby steps. you can't expect to make the giant leaps across a canyon when you can't even step over the puddle. it's the fundamental principle that rules us, we have to start out small in order to become big. in my case, i have to get back to being small; the image of a sumo restler trying to shrink down to the size of a ballerina. a huge tackle ahead, but one that can be conquered. it'll be a while before i get to where i want to be, but i will get there eventually. the key word being "eventually". i'll have to make a schedule and a time limit for this goal of mine. first off, i think i'll have to go back to being vegetarian and promote animal friendly products. next, i'll solve world hunger and promote universal peace and harmony.... okay, i'll just settle for going vegetarian and trying to solve world hunger.


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