Monday, October 25, 2004

Time Machine

if you were to go back in time as the younger you to relive your life (knowing what you know now), what would you have done differently? my bf put that cliche question to himself and me, and i could think of several things i would've done differently. but the true question is this, "if you were to go back in time as the younger you to relive your life (knowing what you know now), what would you have done differently... and would you be ready to accept the consequences?".

cuz that's the whole point isn't it? if you change a decision you made, knowing what may or may not happen if you do, would you be ready to perhaps lead a life different from the one you're currently leading? that theme has been done many times over, most recently in "suddenly 30" where jennifer garder actually gets to see what happens to her as an adult if she does the things she supposedly will do. the thing is, no one gets to go back to change their life starting from the point they turn 13! if i had that chance, god knows WHAT i would've done! for starters, i'd probably dress better!

the age old response is yes, we've all made mistakes. if we had a chance, we probably would never have made it in the first place. but we can't never make it, can we. we made the decision to do something, and we can't just go, "oh shit, i shouldn't have done that. better jump into my trusty time machine and do it differently". the day someone actually puts the notion of time travelling into a palpable form, trust me, i'd be first in line with all my money for a ride back in time. i get first dibs!!!

in the case of my inability to go back and change what happens to me and some other people i know (or knew), all there is left to do is to acknowledge the mistakes i've made, know that it was probably gonna be one way or another, learn from it, and move on. isn't that what the wisemen or the 21st century always tell you? the message is everywhere! you get it from your parents, your friends, your bf/gf/partner whatever, self-help books, they'll all tell you that by dwelling on the mistakes you've made in the past will not be beneficial or constructive to your future. it's a losing battle, you simply CAN'T take anything back! the best you can do is to apologize to those you've wronged, or forgive yourself for having made what you've perceived as a flat-out bad decision, regain your friendship with your conscience, and live more conscientiously. you took risks when you made those pivotal decisions in your life, and you'll continue to take more risks as you grow older. but you have to remember that you wouldn't the person you are today had you not made those decisions and then understood that they were "bad". where there is good, there must be evil. neither concepts may exist without the other. that's life. deal with it.


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