Some Good Advice

a friend of mine said that if blogging is my outlet, i should keep at it. it's not a bad idea, really. i almost gave up on blogging because i thought it was a complete waste of time and energy. but it's actually pretty liberating.
anthony robbins said that, "if your life is worth living, it's worth recording". things happen to us everyday that we simply don't remember a few months down the track, let alone remember for years to come! but really, everyone should keep a journal. i know a lot of people out there who don't, but there really isn't a down side that is significant enough that should keep one from reliving one's life through the recording of it. so here i am, in my pajamas, on a monday night, typing away. what do we record of our lives?
i don't want to remember how i caught the flu and had to stay home for a week because the doctor thought it might be of the piggy persuasion. i can go without remembering how tiring it is to try and do a few simple things while you're feeling like absolutely crap. and i hardly want to remember looking into the mirror after having slept for 14 hours straight and discover that i still hadn't managed to completely remove my eye makeup from the day before when i was at work! but here are some things i do want to remember:
my husband was home with me, since the doc thinks that it is more than likely that he would have contracted swine flu from me (if it indeed was swine flu). so we actually stayed home together and took care of each other, which was lovely.
our dog, curlie, was most sympathetic to our condition and did not complain as much as she could have when we couldn't really find the energy to play with her.... although she did get lots of rubs and treats as compensation, and we let her run wild out in the yard every other hour (it was raining and muddy so we have been keeping her indoors).
i made chicken soup and my soup-hating hubby actually asked for some and enjoyed it. wow.
i spent most of my time huddling under the covers to keep warm, but always had a book handy and caught up on my reading.
i learned that in the middle east, people raised pigeons specifically to be eaten, and that it tastes heavenly when stuffed with coucous and red dates. and now siv and i have made it our gastronomical goal to consume the delicious roasted winged rat. thanks anthony bourdain.
i have had more time off this week than i've had in the last 9 months. it was fabulous even if it meant i spent most of it sleeping.
i rediscovered my inner glamor queen on my last day home and put on some of my expensive makeup to make myself feel better after looking and feeling ill for the last week. it was a 24-karat glamor moment (pic attached).
i had a little bit of fun towards the end :). i like that.
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