Friday, June 02, 2006

What A Woman Wants

that's the age-old mystery, isn't it... what do women want? i don't know about the others, but i can certainly tell you this: i don't always know.

at some point in my life, i remembered wanting to be an artist... until i found out that most of them don't get anywhere until they're dead like monet and picasso and van gogh. then i remembered that i'd recently thought i'd end up a evangelical missionary, living my life traveling and spreading the word whever god told me... problem with that was that i never really listened too well. oh, and what about that time i wanted to join the military and study post-traumatic syndrome and help dozens of sufferers lead normal lives... that was a seriously glorified dream wasn't it since i feel like i need my own personal shrink 24/7. see, i wanted different things at different points in my life... all those dreams of being someone special, someone who could make a difference in the world and leave a legacy for my future children and grandchildren (until i decided that i wasn't sure if i wanted those either). when really, they don't really matter to me anymore.

i don't care if i ever have any paintings hanging on the walls of the lourve, or if i win the nobel peace prize when i cured rageaholism all over the world, or if a whole nation was saved from spiritual condemnation because i became a charismatic tv-preacher who converted millions. all i really want... is a little peace in my life. all i want is simplicity, an uncomplicated existence during which i'm loved, cared for and about as i would care for others, simple child-like trust between me and those i hold close. a little peace, that's all i want. i don't care for a great career, or a mansion with the electronic trimmings, or recognition, or an inspiring legacy for future generations to look up to, or even a lot time on earth... all i want... in my life right now... is peace. i don't want to think about what i'm gonna do in the next few years in terms of careers, jobs, money, and life in general... i just wanna live each day as it comes, appreciate all the precious minutes that i do have instead of worrying about my diet and my health. i'll do what i have to do to survive, but at least let me live... if only just a little.